Christmas cards and how they make our Christmas

I am sure you will agree with me if I say that Christmas would have lost some of its essences if we decide to deliberately ignore one of the rituals of the holiday season which is Christmas cards; as a matter of fact, it is going to be borderline outrageous. 

We have become so used to giving and receiving cards during Christmas that the season would not feel complete if there is an absence the entire ritual of Christmas cards whether or not it is of our own volition.

The process of buying about a hundred cards, writing cute little messages, hand-addressing the envelopes, stamping and mailing them might seem a little tedious, but we know that in order to express our love to people, we have to go out of our way, we have to make sacrifices. And Christmas is a season of love requires that we make little sacrifices here and there for loved ones.

Of course, there is also the worry about who we might have left out while we were addressing cards. The thrill that comes with that is one of my favorite moments of the whole Christmas saga. We go over the cards time and again, trying to make everything perfect. If that cannot be classified as an expression of love, then, I don’t know what it can be classified as. 

Its Christmas again folks, lets meticulously check our list of family and friends that should be recipients of our cards, so we would have to press the panic button.

Peace be with you.

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