Christmas Cheer

Christmas Cheer. It’s the most beautiful time of the year! It’s Christmas!

Love and laughter fill the air; lights on the street are as beautiful as the stars in the sky, lined in different colors and different shapes!

As a kid, I remember, it was that time to be extra good so that dear Santa will deem it fit to drop me a gift. 

Winter wonderland was a thing to look forward to; The roller-coasters, the music, and the food; the energy around everything compels you to let loose.

Ice skating in the snow with friends and family…

And best of all, making the snowman and having snowball fights, the fun gets you to disregard how cold the snow really is at least for a while. 

When you go outside.. It almost seems like the bells are singing the Christmas hymns .. or maybe it’s just me hearing the lovely choir from far away. 

It’s the day families come together some to tease one another. And then my favorite part; time to unbox the gifts I’m sure many kids would be left wondering how somehow Santa almost always got their wishes for gifts right year after year. Well, it’s all part of the mystery of the season.

Then there’s always the time for amazing games, followed by a reflection on how the year has been, and then plans and prayers are made for the year to come. 

Christmas season is always fun. There are things to be enjoyed and moments to be created. I’m sure this Christmas would be any different. I wish you many cheers folks. Merry Christmas!

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